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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Oh hey mania, what's up?

Maaaaan I'm gonna pay for this in the morning. Went to NAMI at CDH, it was super different than the Good Sam meetings. Then me and Katherine went to Cabana. Then I got home and had a rush of creativity, so I made new binder pictures for my PHP binder of crap. I really like my cover. My mind is racing so rather than babbling...

MC: For some reason I couldn't comment back, but thanks :) Debra and I were talking randomly about how rare it is to find not only such a gentleman out there, but one who is so open and honest and determined to get better. I respect you so much, and hope for only the best for you. Now, you got any brothers? Who AREN'T married?? :P

ML: My prayers are with you and back to us asap, we miss you and want to know if you and your family are okay! <3