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Saturday, February 18, 2012


My Borderline traits are really coming out lately, and I'm having a hard time reeling them in. I'm losing friends again. I just believe it's too simple to believe that positive thinking can turn everything around. Not for me, not when I need my brain shocked once a week to ward off major depression. If you don't understand or don't believe in mental illness please never speak to me about it again. I understand people have busy, stressful lives, and that right now my life probably seems easy. I have to worry about losing my job, a week of no one but my parents, and trying to keep suicidal thoughts at bay. My life is not easy, and I don't intentionally make it difficult. I'm sick of people thinking I can just think my way out of this. I wouldn't be wasting money on outpatient therapy and putting my body through ECT if I could do that.
Speaking of ECT. I noticed this downward spiral shortly after I went down to once a week, so I need to talk to my doctor and see if she thinks I need to up the frequency. Which I REALLY hope I don't need to be inpatient to do, I can't take all this. It's hard to come out of the world-is-against-me funk. I know I'm irrational and ridiculous, but the thoughts won't stop.
V I decided to blog about this a couple hours ago, before tonight's incident, so I don't want you thinking I'm passive-aggressively just aiming snide comments at you, that's not the case at all.

When is it MY turn? :(

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