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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mean People Suck

I don't understand why people think it's funny to use someone else's opinions or thoughts as the butt of their jokes. You've made it clear you joke that way, I've made it clear I don't appreciate it. You've made it clear you're not going to change how you are around me, I've made it clear I won't put up with that bullshit anymore. End of story, right? Noooo, he just keeps on going. Clearly I'm wrong and he's right.

I deal with nonstop negativity all day every day with my father, I shouldn't have to put up with it with my "friends." If that's your idea of a good time, then so long. At this stage in my recovery, just when I'm making so much progress and really believing I'm in a good place, that's the last thing I need. I choose no friend over a shitty friend who puts me down nonstop. I think people only hang around him because they're bored and so is he, so there's a common ground and they're all they have to entertain themselves. Screw that noise. I can't handle this in my life right now, nor should I ever have to. Sometimes you have to sacrifice having someone to hang out with in order to keep your sanity, so I'm takin' out the trash. Done.

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