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Friday, February 11, 2011

What I can do...

Okay, I've review my PHP/NAMI/3W binder, and in a nutshell I'm going to try and write the things I can do to relieve my anxiety, alleviate or postpone my depression, and keep myself focused.
Big thing: Focusing on the here and now. One of our groups/handouts was titled "This is a perfect moment." Just stopping and thinking, even if you're stuck in traffic (I even did this!) "This is a perfect moment. I am alive, I have people who love me. These people in these other cars only wish their moment was just as perfect." I was listening to music and having a smoke and just in my element.
Today's last group was "therapy in two pages" and offered tons of ideas for coping and keeping occupied, broken down into physical, intellectual, spiritual, and emotional. I plan on practicing all 4 this weekend. For physical, I will be meeting my best friend at Lifetime, where she is a lifeguard and can get me a day pass, and we're gonna work out and swim. For intellectual, I'm going to try to finish my book (it's Kurt Vonnegut...shit's crazy...) and go to the library where my mom works to find a new book and some literature on my illnesses, as well as seeing if they have the WRAP book. For spiritual, I am going to go back to prayer, and make a gratitude list (which I will probably post on here). I also plan on singing at mass on Sunday. Emotional, I'm going to surround myself with people who love me, as well as working on my own positive affirmations.

I'm also going to DBSA on Sunday and starting March 14 will be doing a DBT support therapy thing, which I'm really excited for.

I hope this weekend goes well, but I'm going to take it day by day, hour by hour.

I have a date lined up for Monday with a guy I just met, and who, as it turns out, has a sister my brother's age and they went to school together so my family knows his. I hope I don't chicken out and bail. He's a good guy and I need to give this life another chance. Maybe a topic for Monday's process group? Maybe.

Here's to hoping for some solid sleep and no nightmares before I have to go for my blood test tomorrow, yuck. Good night, world.

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