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Friday, March 11, 2011

How to deal

Ever fall for someone so hard that every time you think of them it's like electricity jolts through you? Ever fall for that person and they happen to be MARRIED? This sucks. I swore off feeling anything for a long time and it has to happen now. Some day my prince will come. Yeah right, go die in a fire, Snow White. Or is that Cinderella? Oh well all Disney princesses get what they want in the end so screw 'em all. If there are other perfect men out there, they're not looking for someone like me. I should become a nun, then I'd have an excuse for the pathetic lack of relationships in my life. Nah, those outfits would do nothing for my looks. Fuck.


  1. Who ever told you that there was such a thing as a perfect man?? LOL

  2. To me, perfection is being flawed, but working towards being the best person you can be. But yeah men suck.
